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Week 0: Key Questions

Published: at 11:58 PM

This first post is a living document meaning that I’ll come back to it over time as my studies continue. It will be a simple Q&A format where I can document some of the biggest questions I run into, and eventually document the answers.

Mathematics Questions

What are the key math concepts necessary to understand quantum computing?

Physics Questions

What are the key physics concepts necessary to understand quantum computing?

Engineering Questions

What are the key engineering concepts necessary to participate in the industry?

Hardware Questions

What are the major types of quantum computers?

What are the most advanced superconductor based quantum computers on the market?

What are the most advanced ion trap based quantum computers on the market?

How does the IBM quantum computer work?

How does the Microsoft quantum computer work?

How does the Quantinuum quantum computer work?

What are the major sub-technologies?

How does a quadrapole ion trap work?

How do gates work in general?

How do gates work for each specific architecture?

What are the most useful metrics for comparing quantum computers?

What are the major technical bottlenecks?

Software Questions

What are the major software packages?

What are the major quantum algorithms?

How do you go about writing a quantum algorithims?

What makes a good candadite for a quantum algorithim?

How are classical computers being used to supplement quantum computing?

Industry Questions

What are the major use cases for quantum computing?

What are the bottlenecks for each use case?

What are the major use cases for non-computing quantum technology?

What are the bottlenecks for each non-computing use case?

What makes up the quantum vertical?

What are the major regional hubs of quantum activity?

Within each regional hub, who are the major players?

For any parties providing funding, what results do they want to see?

What industry collectives/standards bodies exist?

What government regulation exists?

What are the major dates and deadlines in the industry?

Media Questions

What academic journals are worth following?

What journalists are worth following?

What educational resources already exist?

What conferences exist?

What professional organizations exist (both locally and remote)?

